In total, we spent 5 hours on video editing, 3 hours on preparing the material, 1 hour taking picture for the video and 3 hours on group commenting and video upgrading before we are satisfied with the results.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Time Management for Final Project
For the final project, we had to finish all of the things required for the project within the 12-hour limitation.
In one day, we managed to gather all of our members to discuss on the multimedia presentation project we had to do. After much brainstorming, we came up with ideas for a short movie.
Group Progress ( Week 12 )
Simplified, detailed essay on topic; fcm student is the faculty of gold digger; money maker.
Many people said that money can’t buy happiness. It’s true. But for FCM’s students, money is everything to pursue their studies. Why? It’s because they need a lot of money to buy their high quality materials and pay the courses which cost them more then RM 10,000. It’s hard to believe, but this is the life that FCM’s students faced. Sure enough if their parents are so wealthy, the chances of their survival in MMU are high. However, for those who come from just a so-so family, they had to sacrifice everything. Everyday they’ll feel worry for tomorrow, the future. Not everyone can grasp any scholarships they desire. They had to work hard and some of them choose to work part-time jobs just to support themselves until the day where they graduate and have a proper job.
For a start, foundation is a must before you can enroll in degree. Only then you can pursue your goal whether you want to be in Animation industry, Media Innovation, Virtual Reality, Interface Design or Media Arts. What’s interesting behind every story of an amateur artist is the process of rejection of their works. And of course along the way, there’ll be harsh comments and criticisms. Hence, for every artwork they spent more than RM10 and if they had to redo it again, the numbers of money will also increasing. To solve this problem, some students had to take extreme decision by cutting the food cost or keep on ‘diet’. You’ll see how Maggie and breads become so popular among them. Somehow, it seems pathetic but that’s the only way to keep survive.
To success, you had to suffer first before you can taste the fruit of joy itself. It’s true that FCM is money consuming, but once you graduate and shape your skills beautifully, there will always someone that will hire you to work with them. And the pay also doubled the fun. You’ll get more than 3 digits of zero if you created a logo. But if you become a professional artist, the numbers are beyond your expectations and then you’ll know that all your hard work and suffers have given you the life that you always dream of.
Group Progress ( Week 12 )
This are the upgraded associated and also logical mind map that we have been asked to improved by our lecturers by adding more random words and also information so that we can have more ideas for our final project.
Associated mind map
Logical Mind Map
The picture below is another method that we used to created ideas. This method is called Random Association. A random subject will be used to create ideas by using the characteristics of the subject that we are using.

Other than that, our group also used the method Metaphor and also simile to create more ideas by relating Faculty of Creative Multimedia with Cup and Saucer.
Group Progress ( Week 12 )
Faculty of Creative Multimedia
This mind map is our group research about creative multimedia courses. From the history until the main point of our research, those faculty provide a support for student creativity and innovation but at the same time cost a lot of money. Even in foundation study, the student need to use a lot of money for their assignment and others important stuff. Well this is also have an advantage that is to improve students ability to form something creative until their career time.
Random Association Image
The continuation of fcm is like a cup,
Firstly we invest money into MMU's FCM Cup,
After that we will be having our own cup, to be filled by others money.
1st image = MMU Student's brain act like a cup, converting the pouring knowledge into money.
The continuation of fcm is like a cup,
Firstly we invest money into MMU's FCM Cup,
After that we will be having our own cup, to be filled by others money.
1st image = MMU Student's brain act like a cup, converting the pouring knowledge into money.
Creativity Unlimited
To enter FCM a student need a money to buy their stuff to study and to buy assignment items.
Money will fly fly and fly, so the student have to work hard to show their best art work. Every hard and creative work will be worth with the money they used.
To enter FCM a student need a money to buy their stuff to study and to buy assignment items.
Money will fly fly and fly, so the student have to work hard to show their best art work. Every hard and creative work will be worth with the money they used.
Logical Mind Map & Associated Mind Map
This is our mind map to simplify the cup and saucer from the real logical information about the item into the easiest way, that is associated which any the first information that come
This is our mind map to simplify the cup and saucer from the real logical information about the item into the easiest way, that is associated which any the first information that come
from our head.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Group Progress ( Week 12 )
At the 11th week of this semester , the whole classroom were brief of our final assignment project which need to be done within the group of five or more that we had grouped in previously before . For this final project , the lecturer had brief us to do a thematic project on the subject which is our own Faculty of Creative Multimedia . The thematic project that’s need to be done have to consist of our version of faculty of creative multimedia through juxtaposition , mind-mapping and random image placing . After finishing it , we need to do the essay on the same subject , which had been posted here in the blog earlier .
At the 12th week of the semester , the essay had been done by each and everyone of our members and are ready to be pass up to the lecturer . We submitted the essay to the lecturer plus the mind map that was also done by our group before . Both the mind map and essay was good as told by the lecturer , but it wasn't good enough and we were told to polish it to make it much much better than it was before . As a last minute work , we even manage to burn the essay in the cd as we were just told to do so on that day .
At the same week also, the lecturer brief us on the final multimedia presentation . On the same day , we also presented the upgraded work that was done days before to the lecturer . Now , we are trying our best for the multimedia presentation.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
FCM can stands for Fat Cow’s Milk, maybe Fastest Car’s Machine or it can even stands for Faulty Copycat Maniac. Obviously that was only jokes, few words to catch your interest in reading the thousands of words in this essay. Back to the serious side, FCM is the suffix of Faculty of Creative Multimedia. It is a part, one of the overall four faculties in Multimedia University, in Cyberjaya campus. This faculty is not present in Melaka campus. In the official website of FCM,, it stated that FCM integrates academic study with extensive creative digital technology production work. This proven approach has placed Multimedia University at the forefront of Malaysian creative multimedia education. The faculty main objective is a specific purpose; that is to produce digital content designers. We cannot deny that these globalisation days are driven by the power of knowledge and information. Realized by that fact, FCM came out with a theory, 'content is king' upon which 'form' heavily relies to preserve its significance. FCM covers all stage of creative education except Diploma level, started from Foundation level, Undergraduate level and postgraduate level.
I can say that FCM is the most popular faculty in the Cyberjaya campus. It is not because the quantity of student participated in the course offered in the faculty itself. It is because the Creative Multimedia aspects that is so sought-after by the government to create the future of Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT ) in Malaysia after MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor) was built. [sitiraihan1112701447]
Faculty of Creative Multimedia was established back in the year 1997 and it was the first kind of faculty that offers various types of course that is related to the multimedia field for degree in the Malaysian education. In June 1999, Faculty of Creative Multimedia together with other faculties in the Multimedia University was officially launched by the fourth prime minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad in Cyberjaya, Selangor. This Faculty is supervised and run by the dean of the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Professor Harold Thwaites. Not long time ago, this faculty was named Media Arts and Sciences before it was changed to Creative Multimedia. The changes in the name obviously shows that creativity is the backbone to the production of art stuff, as the word “Science” in the former faculty name seems kind of run a little bit from the normality of creative thinking that is not bound with logical thinking.
Faculty of Creative Multimedia is a rigid name in education as it helps students in the faculty to create and form something that is new based on different point of view on the subject by using the combination of various types of media form. Thus, this has made the Multimedia University the front-line of education in Malaysia. The faculty high reputation is to ensure that every graduate have many opportunities and received many request from employers in the multimedia world. Fourteen years after Faculty of Creative Multimedia was launched, there are many stunning achievement by students who received recognition locally and internationally. [farzuraazreen1112701254]
The Faculty of Creative Multimedia can be considered the strong point of Multimedia University. The foundation program held for this course takes up about RM10,000 or more, and takes about a year to complete. It is also called the “alpha year”. Consisting of both local and international students, the faculty makes a total of about one or two hundred students at most, most of who took this course for their own interest in the entertainment or advertising industry. During the foundation program, students are taught the basics of becoming an artist at all aspects. Even as the “seed before the flower”, students are carefully treated as professionals to make the best of their work as possible.
Picking up the pencil would earn them the title of an artist, and taking creative shots would make them a photographer. Before you know it, these students are and could be making, at most, around RM3000 at this very level- the salary of a full-time worker. To make up for the lack reference of books in this course, students take practical approach to achieve their respective goals. Therefore, the alpha year of the Creative Multimedia not only excel at its purpose to create an artist, it also gives students opportunities to have fun at making their assignments. Even without the basic skills of creativity, one can easily and efficiently learn the tips and tricks to generate ideas in the foundation program. Within the year, students find their identities and strong points, before they advance into their degree program, or also known as the beta year. [nurdiananatasya1112700522]
Upon completing the foundation programme, one can further their studies more to the degree courses or undergraduate programmes that the faculty of creative multimedia prepared in Multimedia University . There are five major courses that the Faculty of Creative Multimedia prepares and there are Digital Media / Media Arts , Animation and Visual Effects , Advertising Design , Interface Design and lastly , Virtual Reality . Each respected courses has their own perks and Multimedia University provides tons of facilities and equipment for all the students who are studying their respected courses.
Digital Media or Media Arts is a degree programme where students will learn how to create newly found forms of art of communication using the technologies of computers. This undergraduate programme is for those who are really into computer programming or anything that is related whatsoever to computer and uses them in a creative manner. As for Animation and Visual Effects , it is a programme for those who are into making still drawings come to life as they master the art of digital animation as well as getting a good sense of design .
Other than that , there’s also Advertising Design . Advertising Design is a programme to show each student’s ability to advertise a certain item in a creative manner in order for the item to be sell well. Students will be taught how to produce something that can be in demand .Interface Design is a programme whereby students will learn the art of producing a creative and cutting – edge clarification for Information and Communication Technology. Lastly , Virtual Reality offers programmes such as creating real life animation with designs that are creatively made . [rajaintansuraya1112700165]
After undergraduate programmes in degree, the students can choose whether to continue their studies into master level and then goes to PhD level. Postgraduates programmes in Multimedia University offered three master programmes and one PhD programmes such as Master of Science in Creative Multimedia, Master of Knowledge Management with Multimedia, Master of Multimedia for e-learning technologies and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Creative Multimedia. Through all those programme, Faculty of Creative Multimedia actually helped the student to improves their creativity and ability on studies which to be comfortable with reality of multimedia IT after graduate and also develop student fundamental skills to help their career prospect to make them as a professional worker.
Those who earn master in Faculty of Creative Multimedia courses has a high chances in being accepted in the industries, well some of the job prospect with high level of yearly income are easily increase just bases on their knowledge and ability of creativity.Creative Multimedia courses has open a large employment opportunities around the world through the internet and others media. Multimedia University had research there’s a lot career prospects that suitable with this course which is something related such as Multimedia Content Manager, Film Director, Animation Director, Animator, Advertising Consultant, Art Director, R&D Product Designer, Interface Designer, Instructional Designer, Multimedia Designer, Multimedia Trainer, Web Designer, Immersive Content Consultant, Simulation Designer, Graphic Designer, Entrepreneur or Cyberpreneur, Virtual Environment Designer and others career about multimedia. [nurilyakhairiah1112700340]
Multimedia has been with us for a long, long time that its significance is a must to use in various fields. In Creative jobs, such as illustrator, graphic design, game developer, and animator, multimedia has helped in producing so many outstanding masterpieces. Even in business or in any other presentations, multimedia is the best tool to explain the data or information effectively and fast to other people. Frankly speaking, multimedia has benefited us in a very positive and creative way, bringing entertainment as close as possible to our heart and makes our life easier than the ancient time. Finding Nemo, Despicable Me, Wallace and Grommit, are the nearest example of movies that could be seen on how the directors creatively create the characters, the plot, the settings and the most importantly the morals behind each and every story that perfectly can be understood by innocent toddlers.
And as the human population increase every year, the competition between creative people also grew rapidly. This shows that the knowledge of creativity and multimedia is priceless and limitless. They had to compete with each other, making a distinctive uniqueness and rare skills just to be different and extraordinary from others. These issues are not only happen in artists and designers world but also in business area. Thus, young generations and professionals have to do endless research, practices, efforts and more sleepless nights to maintain their position. In certain fields, such as animation in 3D, they need a longer time to complete their goal that sometimes consume more than a year just to produce a 2 hours movie. Commitment and teamwork are crucial in every employee to overcome any difficulties.
However, when people are too creative, they sometimes use it in a wrong way. Hackers, viruses, pornographic materials, and to name a few, were all done by those of higher intellect in multimedia and technologies. It’s hard to believe we have these kinds of people living in our community, but this is the reality that we need to change. This bad influence, if we let it slip away, it will crush the whole system of creativity itself as youngsters will drown in never ending fantasy and entertainment. Just like how drugs can destroy the human if overdose. Besides, the higher cost in creative multimedia education and materials are basically money consuming that only certain students can apply this course especially those who are wealthy enough to apply. [nurhanisah1112700468]
As shown by the above statements, the Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) is definitely one of the most popular courses in Multimedia University (MMU), especially since the demand for multimedia is always increasing as the years go by. So far, MMU strives to produce quality education for its students and thus, results in producing many successful graduates who contibute greatly to society in the field of arts and multimedia.
Despite the lack of textbooks to guide the students, MMU's FCM manages to create creative students through the usage of a "hand-on" experience, therefore encouraging their creativity without copying other people's ideas and providing them with valuable experience to prepare them for their future in the wide world of art and multimedia industry. This will help to prevent them from being overrun by the highly competitive people found in the industry and to have their voices heard and acknowledged by their employers and co-workers.
However, despite it's popularity, learning Creative Multimedia is very expensive, as many materials and programs are required to do the projects and assignments given out by the lecturers.Some even decide to misuse their abilities to harm others, by hacking and creating harmful virses, as mentioned previously. Overall, FCM is a great faculty to learn under and students needs to learn how to appreciate people's works in multimedia as they put their hearts and souls into them to make their projects a success.
Logical Mind Map about The Faculty Of Creative Multimedia
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
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