Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Juxtaposition 4 (week 10)

Nur Diana Natasya Maarof

Nur Ilya Khairiah binti Alias

Siti Raihan Binti Hamdani 

Farzura Azreen Binti Abdul Saip

Anisa Ajwa Binti Sahrul Isa

1 comment:

  1. Juxtaposition, when is used innovatively and creatively, can convey messages to its intended audience.
    For example in the post above, there are shown several different ways to send warnings to people about a cat, like showing that the cat is filthy or dangerous to deter them away from the place.
    By simply writing "Beware of cat", people might not take the sign seriously and the signs might also pique their curiosity, causing them to ignore the sign and venture onwards, at the cost of their safety. However, if someone managed to create a convincing sign, it will cause the person to think and deter himself away from the area.
    Therefore, by creating creative ways of conveying messages, it will help tremendously in the spreading a message towards other people.
